He loves every generation. He revealed Himself to Moses as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of the generations who always live before Him, Matt 22.32. We also explored how these generations represent different stages of life, 1 John 2.12-14, children, young men and fathers.
I see this as representative of spiritual development rather than addressing gender categories. The key is to enjoy each stage for what it is and then be prepared in the process of life to move on. The sad reality is that some get stuck at a particular stage. This happened to the Corinthians. Paul wanted to speak to them as mature people but had to revert to feeding them milk, 1Cor3.1-3, something fit for babies. At a later date we will look at some of the things that hinder us from moving on to maturity.
For now we will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of each stage of spiritual development. This will help us to know what to appreciate in each other and what to watch out for. John seems to emphasise two simple realities for those who are new to the faith. Their sins are forgiven and they know the Father. What glorious truths. We are loved for who we are.
The first thing the Holy Spirit does for us is cry out from deep within, ‘Abba, Father’, Gal 4.6; Rom 8.15. We belong to the family of God, born of His Spirit. In this great adventure of faith we begin with a clean slate. Our sins are forgiven. Not only that, we are told how to keep it clean, 1Jn 1.9. Through confession (saying the same thing, agreeing with God about our sin and what He has done with it), we are free to walk in the blessing of Sonship. What is also interesting is that as we mature, these truths are abiding. They become part of the foundation of our identity in Christ.
I pray that this week you will have a fresh appreciation of the love of God for you and walk with a heart cleansed from unrighteousness through the amazing power of confession.
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Enjoying the journey with you!